
16 Best Free Blogger Templates Featuring Amazing JQuery Featured Slideshows

One of the popular features of Blogger Blogspot Templates is the Featured Post Slider or Slideshow Carousal.Not too long ago a very plain Image Slider was the best you could hope for and you were lucky to even get that.However now with so many awesome Free Blogger Templates and Designers creating templates and converting Css and  Wordpress Themes  to Blogger the options are fantastic.We constantly see templates of premium quality with stunning Image Sliders available for free download.In this post i will list 16 of the Best Blogger Templates With Featured Post Sliders, Image Sideshows and Picture Carousals.All the Sliders are created with jQuery which allows some cool features such as the transitions  (The effect between each slide). So in no particular order here is the list !

How To Display AdSense When Using Blogger Dynamic Views Templates

A question I was asked on the post " Always Display The Sidebar On Blogger Dynamic Views Templates " is "Can we have AdSense on Dynamic Views Templates".I had a quick look into it and the answer is yes.So in this post I will show you the steps involved to put AdSense on Blogger Dynamic Views. Now as far as I can see the  AdSense  units used are all 768x90 and 120x600.They are displayed between posts, below posts and beside posts.For the classic and sidebar templates Units are on the home page and posts for all other Dynamic templates units are on posts.In fact the AdSense set up on posts, 120x600 unit on the right with 768x90 below posts is great (See Image Below).OK so I have the steps added to a video and in text.

Remove The Template View Menu Options When Using Dynamic Views On Blogger

Dynamic Views (DV) templates have become a popular choice with some Blogger users.When you choose dynamic views you select a default template which readers will see when they land on your blog.But in a menu under the header readers have the option to view your blog using any of the other six DV templates.So basically you are giving the readers the choice on how they want to view your blog.But this does not suit everybody, I have recently received a few emails asking is there a way to remove the choose template options on Dynamic Views.Chuck at  The Real Blogger Status  has also seen some enquiry's about this in the Blogger Help Forum.So, can you remove the options for readers to choose the template ? Yes, and with credit to  Southern Speakers  and here is how.

How To Use Images For List Bullet Points On Your Blog

In this post i have a really cool Blog Design Tip to abhinandan sharma001your blog.When you create an ordered list, items in the list are numbered, and in an unordered list items have what is called a bullet point.What we will do in this post is replace the default bullet point with an image.We do this with just a small snippet of Css  including the image URL.To make it as easy as possible i have 10 ready to use images for your bullet points but you can of course use your own image.I also have this set so you can just use the image bullet point on selected lists.If we set it to work on all lists on your blog it could mess up your sidebar and other sections. You can see a screenshot and demo of how it looks on our  templates  site were we list the features for templates, the image we use is the same as the favicon further promoting the brand.

Add A Fixed Jump To Comments Button In Blogger

Comments are the major way of getting feedback about our blog posts from readers, therefore comments are really an essential part of any Blog. If you are a blogger too then your always delighted to see new comments on your posts.But there are times when you don't get any comments at all, often in long posts. The problem is that readers don't scroll through the whole page thus they miss the comment area.Even though people are reading your posts you are not getting any comments at all and it's frustrating. So, how can you improve your site in a way that your blog post gets more comments and the comment form is easily accessible to readers?  This post covers this topic and tells you an easy and effective way of encouraging your readers to comment.The button will be fixed in the bottom right of the page, check out the demo.

Write For Abhinandan Sharma001

Abhinandansharma001 Blog is now one of the leading blogs is the Blog Tips, Help, Design And  Gadgets Category.With a loyal following and over 2000monthly impressions we are still growing and publishing quality helpful content.Among the over 300 posts we have published a number of guest posts on a variety of subjects.Going forward i want to add even more voices to Abhinandansharma001 and publish more Guest submissions. As a guest author you already get to speak to a new audience, build your online credentials and of course get quality links and traffic to your Blogs and Websites.  Post And Get Traffic & Backlinks There will be 2 links to your blog, website or anywhere you choose (With some exceptions) added to the post so you really are reaching a new audience and as the primary readership of this Blog is people who keep their own Blogs you are connecting with like minded readers.The links are added as do-follow in an about the author section below post. ...

Google Now Use Twitter Facebook And Site Speed To Help Rank Your Blog

Google originally made its name by using a Page rank system based on links throughout the web to return relevant search results to users.Although there were many search engines available before Google the page rank system simply returned better results to users. Page Rank  (Googles Internal Page Rank Not So Much Toolbar Page Rank, a long story) is still the major factor in how search results are delivered and things like  Back links  and anchor text are still the major players and always will be.However over the years Google have added lots of other factors in how they return their search results, they claim there is over 200 components used to deliver the results we see.A couple of noticeable more recent additions to this are Social Media and Site Speed.