Google Now Use Twitter Facebook And Site Speed To Help Rank Your Blog

Google Favicon CubeGoogle originally made its name by using a Page rank system based on links throughout the web to return relevant search results to users.Although there were many search engines available before Google the page rank system simply returned better results to users.Page Rank (Googles Internal Page Rank Not So Much Toolbar Page Rank, a long story) is still the major factor in how search results are delivered and things like Back links and anchor text are still the major players and always will be.However over the years Google have added lots of other factors in how they return their search results, they claim there is over 200 components used to deliver the results we see.A couple of noticeable more recent additions to this are Social Media and Site Speed.

Social Media

Google now use sites like Facebook and Twitter in the ranking.

Danny Sullivan Article Mentioned in the video - Search Engine Land

Site Speed

The load time of your blog also has an effect in the search results, at the moment it is only a very small effect.

But page speed is important in many other ways also, people stay on faster loading sites longer and view more pages.People are more likely to return to fast blogs and the whole experience is better.Over the last 6 months i have made Spice Up Your Blog twice as fast as it was and have seen the benefits.

You can analyze the speed of your blog using the Google Page Speed Tool.

Keep up to date by Subscribing to Google Webmaster Tools On YouTube, Matt Cutts adds videos frequently and you will also get the chance to ask send your own questions, make sure to Check out more of our Blogger SEO posts.

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